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Biochemistry Quick Study Guide Full from MobileReference by Nabilove

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Mobilereference Biochemistry Quick Study Guide

Boost your grades with Biochemistry quick-study guide, also known as "cheat sheet". FREE Biomolecules chapter and Periodic Table in the trial version.


Intended for everyone interested in Biochemistry, particularly undergraduate and graduate life science students.


- Fully illustrated.
- Complete lists of amino acids, functional groups, chemical classes.
- IUPAC nomenclature
- Periodic Table
- Navigate from Table of Contents or search for the words or phrases
- Access the guide anytime, anywhere - at home, on the train, in the subway.
- Use your down time to prepare for an exam.
- Always have the guide available for a quick reference.

Table of Contents

I. Biomolecules
II. Chemical Properties
III. Structural Compounds
IV. Enzymes
V. Membranes And Transport
VI. Energy Pathways
VII. Signal Transduction
VIII. Techniques

General Index
Common Atoms
Standard Amino Acids
Functional groups
Chemical classes
IUPAC nomenclature
Periodic Table
Setup and Navigation

I. Biomolecules

Carbohydrates: Monosaccharides | Sugar | Disaccharide | Oligosaccharide | Polysaccharide | Starch | Glycogen | Gluconeogenesis

Lipids: Fatty Acids | Fatty Acid Degradation | Fatty Acid Synthesis | Triglyceride | Waxes | Lipoprotein | Phospholipids | Cholesterol

Nucleic acids: DNA | DNA replication | Mitochondrial DNA | RNA | mRNA | tRNA | Non-coding RNA | siRNA | RNA Degradation | Codon | Adenin | Cytosine | Guanine | Thymine | Uracil | Oligonucleotides

Proteins: Amino acid | Peptide | Primary structure | Secondary structure | Tertiary structure | Protein folding | Protein Degradation

II. Chemical Properties

Bonds: Covalent | Non-covalent | Ionic bond | Hydrogen bond | Van der Waals attractions | Hydrophobic forces

Hydrophilicity: Hydrophilic | Hydrophobic | Polarity

pH: pH | Acid | Alkaline | Base

Redox: Reduction and oxidation | Citric acid cycle | Hydrolysis

III. Structural Compounds

In cells: Actin | Intermediate filament | Microtubule | Flagellin | Peptidoglycan | Myelin | Myosin

In animals: Chitin | Keratin | Collagen | Silk

In plants: Cellulose | Lignin | Cell wall

IV. Enzymes

Enzymes: Etymology and history | 3D Structure | Thermodynamics | Kinetics | Inhibition | Metabolic pathways and allosteric enzymes | Enzyme-naming conventions

Examples: Ubiquitin | Kinase | Dehydrogenase | Proteasome

V. Membranes And Transport

Structure: Fluid mosaic model | Detailed Structure

Membrane Components: Phospholipids | Sphingomyelin | Glycolipid | Glycocalix | Cholesterol | Antigen

Movement of Molecules: Diffusion | Osmosis | Electrochemical gradient | Membrane permeability

Passive transport: Facilitated diffusion | Ion channel

Active transport: ATP-Dependent Na/K Pump | V-ATPase | Proton pump | Electron transport | Antiporter | Symporter | Exocytosis | Endocytosis

VI. Energy Pathways

Cellular respiration: Aerobic respiration | Theoretical yields | Anaerobic respiration | Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) | NADH | Flavin (FAD) | Pyruvate | Oxalate | Citrate

1. Glycolysis: Preparatory phase | Pay-off phase | Entry of sugars | Control of flux | Energy pay-off | Follow-up | Intermediates for other pathways | High aerobic glycolysis | Alternative nomenclature | Oxidative decarboxylation

2. Krebs cycle/Citric Acid cycle

3. Oxidative Phosphorylation

Mitochondrion: Functions | Reproduction and gene inheritance | Use in population genetic studies | Origin | Electron transport

Anaerobic respiration: Fermentation | Acetyl-CoA | Lactic acid | Ethanol fermentation

Photosynthesis: Plant photosynthesis | Photosynthesis in algae and bacteria | Discovery | Molecular production | Bioenergetics | Factors affecting photosynthesis | Light reaction | Dark reaction | Carbon Fixation | Calvin cycle

Pigments: Chlorophyll | Carotenoids | Xanthophyll | Cytochrome | Phycobilin | Bacteriorhodopsin

Oxygen carriers: Hemoglobin | Myoglobin

VII. Signal Transduction

Signals: Types of signals | Transmembrane receptors | Ion channel | Structure of transmembrane receptors | Integrin

Intracellular signalling: Signal Amplification | Second messenger | Nuclear receptors | Calcium

Protein phosphorylation: Kinases | Serine/threonine-specific protein kinases | Protein kinase A | Protein kinase C | Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases | MAP kinases | Mos/Raf kinases | Tyrosine-specific protein kinases | Histidine-specific protein kinases | Phosphatase | Calmodulin

G-Protein: G-protein-coupled receptors | GTPase

Hormons: Epinephrine | Norepinephrine | Peptide hormones | Insulin | Glucagon | Steroid Hormones | Cortisol | Testosterone | Eicosanoids | Growth factor | Auxin | Endocrine system

Molecular Biology: Gene | Genetic code | Gene expression | Protein biosynthesis | Transcription factor | Activator | Coactivator | Enhancer | Promoter | Splicing | Intron | Exon | Alternative splicing

VIII. Techniques

Electrophoresis | Chromatography | Mass spectrometry | X-ray crystallography | Southern blot | Fractionation | Gram stain | Absorption spectrum | Action spectrum | Fluorescence

How to install

1- Download HERE
2- Unrar all files
3- Install mobilereader icluded in the package
4- Transfert the prc file to your memory card to the folder "ebooks"
5- Run mobilereader and select Biochemistry Quick Study Guide
6- Enjoy it
7- For other references you can search on my previous posts
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