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Lock2restart - lock To Restart

Posted by Dhani_phantom 19.8.09 0 comments
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Lock2restart - lock To Restart

Patch is create for change this function:
for restart telephone.

;Thanks to wadowice
;Short press power button,"Restart" replace"lock phone"
;Edit z:\resource\apps\sysap.r**(for english is sysap.r01),replace "4C6F636B2070686F6E65"to"52657374617274202020"("lock phone" to "Restart",save and put it to c:\resource\apps,reboot.(N82,N95 and so on,6120c replacing text seems not work!)
;Default is for 6120 3.83,other phone please remove the ";"before SNR,or del the code of other phone.
Attached Files
File Type: rar LockPhone2Restart.rar (650 Bytes, 24 views)
File Type: rar Lock2restart_n82v31.rar (175 Bytes, 19 views)
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