[FuguMobile] GENGHIS KHAN-An Era of Darkness 240x320
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The year is 1227 and the Mongol hordes under the leadership of Temujin better known as Genghis Khan are ploughing and butcheringtheir way through most of Asia and Europe in their quest to conquer the world.However, the conquest of the Southern lands is not an easy one and the Xia dynasty are putting up a strong and determined resistance to prevent the Mongol armies from pillaging their lands. As a horseman in this epic battle, you serve your blood thirsty leader to help vanquish the enemy, destroy his fortress and lead the civilized world into an Era of Darkness.
Level 1:
Battle on the Steppes
Mongol horsemen are most feared for the accuracy of their arrows and the stamina of their horses. Shoot 50 enemies to prove yourself to the great Khan
Level 2:
The Siege
The fortress has been besieged, but is yet well defended. Kill 50 soldiers to weaken the enemy before you can attempt to destroy the fortress.
Level 3:
Final Conquest
The fortress walls may seem impregnable, but the enemies morale is low. Destroy the enemies flag with a well placed shot and thegarrison commander will capitulate.
permexxxxxxxxxx heheheh http://www.partai-sira.blogspot.com/
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