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Garmin Mobile XT 5.00.60 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed [Update]

Posted by Dhani_phantom 24.8.09 2 comments
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Garmin Mobile XT 5.00.60 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed [Update]

Add full-featured navigation to your GPS-enabled smartphone with Garmin Mobile XT. Just plug this data card into your compatible phone¹ (see specs tab) and start navigating. Garmin Mobile XT puts pre-loaded maps, spoken turn-by-turn directions, real-time services, and many more great features in the palm of your hand. With a price of just $99, you’ll have everything you need to navigate your day. And with no recurring subscription fees, you can make the most of your phone while you’re on the go.

- To improve the horizontal to vertical NOKIA 5800 screen problem
- NOKIA 5800 to improve the horizontal screen open "turn preview" issue
- To improve the NOKIA 5800 in the evening when the text mode


- This Garmin Mobile XT application is designed for use on Symbian smartphone devices running S60 (ie. Nokia E6x, Nokia N7x) 3rd Edition OS .
- You must have a previous version of the XT software installed on your SD card to have all of the help files, voice files and basemap files. These are not included with this update.
- During installation, you will be prompted to turn on your Garmin GPS. Please Note: You will not gain access to Garmin Online features and/or the navigation will be unavailable without connecting your Garmin GPS.
- A minimum card size of 256 MB is recommended for Garmin Mobile XT software with maps.
- Please save all appropriate data before beginning the update.

Download :

Here is standalone version with en (British and US) and gr language only. [also includes the gbmapsupp.img]

All extra multi files (copy garmin folder to root of mmc) and select language from options inside garmin
Attached Files
File Type: rar Garmin Keygen v1.5.rar (425.4 KB)
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Imoel mengatakan...

wah.. keren banget postingannya sob..
pokoknya best of the best

Anonim mengatakan...

good possting. But dejavu for me.
Cek on this site :

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